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House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Howard L. Berman, Chairman
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5021
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U.S. Foreign Policy in Pakistan: Implications for Regional Security, Stability, and Development

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable Richard C. Holbrooke [no prepared statement], The Honorable Thomas R. Pickering, General James L. Jones, USMC, Retired [no prepared statement]




Higher Education in Africa: Making the Link between Intellectual Capital and Regional Development

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health

The Honorable Donald M. Payne, Mr. Franklin Moore, M. Peter McPherson, Ph.D., Suresh Babu, Ph.D., Mora McLean, Esq.



City on the Hill or Prison on the Bay? The Mistakes of Guantanamo and the Decline of America’s Image

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight

The Honorable Bill Delahunt, Emi MacLean, Esq., Michael E. Mone, Esq., Stephen H. Oleskey, Esq., Elizabeth P. Gilson, Esq., Lee A. Casey, Esq.




No Direction Home: An NGO Perspective on Iraqi Refugees and IDPs

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight

The Honorable Gary L. Ackerman, Mr. Rabih Torbay, Mr. David Holdridge, Mrs. Anastasia Brown




H.R.5916, Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Reform Act of 2008
H.R. 3658, To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 to permit rest and recuperation travel to United States territories for members of the Foreign Service
H.R. 5834, North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 2008
H. Res. 1011, Calling on the United States Government and the international community to promptly develop, fund, and implement a comprehensive regional strategy to protect civilians, facilitate humanitarian operations, contain and reduce violence, and contribute to conditions for sustainable peace and good governance in Chad, as well as in the wider region that includes the northern region of the Central African Republic and the Darfur region of Sudan
H. Res. 1063, Marking the 225th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War with the Kingdom of Great Britain and recognized the independence of the United States of America, and acknowledging the shared values and close friendship between the peoples and governments of the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
H. Res. 1109, Honoring the memory of Dith Pran by remembering his life
H. Con. Res. 317, Condemning the Burmese regime
H. Con. Res. 318, Supporting the goals and ideals of the International Year of Sanitation
H. Res. 1127, Condemning the endemic restrictions on freedom of the press and media and public expression in the Middle East and the concurrent and widespread presence of anti-Semitic material, Holocaust denial, and incitement to violence in the Arab media and press
H. Res. 1166, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding provocative and dangerous statements and actions taken by the Government of the Russian Federation that undermine the territorial integrity of the Republic of Georgia
H. Con. Res. 332, H. Con. Res. 332, Recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
H. Con. Res. 337, Honoring the Seeds of Peace for its 15th anniversary as an organization promoting understanding, reconciliation, acceptance, coexistence, and peace in the Middle East, South Asia, and other regions of conflict

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen




U.S. Export Promotion Strategy

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade

The Honorable Israel Hernandez, James Morrison, Ph.D., Mr. Franklin J. Vargo , Ms. Thea M. Lee, Ms. Daniella Markheim



U.S. Policy and the Road to Damascus: Who's Converting Whom?

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia

The Honorable Gary L. Ackerman, The Honorable Martin S. Indyk, Mr. Ammar Abdulhamid, The Honorable Peter W. Rodman



War Powers for the 21st Century: The Executive Branch Perspective

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight

The Honorable Bill Delahunt, The Honorable Brian Atwood, The Honorable Stephen G. Rademaker , Richard F. Grimmett, Ph.D. [no prepared statement]


The Bucharest Summit and the Way Forward for NATO

Subcommittee on Europe

The Honorable Robert Wexler, The Honorable Elton Gallegly, The Honorable Daniel Fried, Mr. Daniel P. Fata



A New Beginning for the U.S.-South Korea Strategic Alliance

Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment

The Honorable Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, The Honorable Donald A. Manzullo, Mr. Alexander A. Arvizu

