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Markup :: 2/27/2008 :: Full Committee Markup -- H.R. 4847

Opening Statement By Rep. Harry Mitchell

Thank you Mr. Chairman.  I am very pleased that the Committee is marking up H.R. 4847 today.  This bill, introduced by myself and the ranking Member of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee Dr. Phil Gingrey, reauthorizes the U.S. Fire Administration, or USFA, for four years.  USFA’s programs and leadership are a vital resource to the 30,000 local fire departments around the country. 

In the 1970’s Congress saw fit to establish the U.S. Fire Administration after learning that over 12,000 Americans died in fires every year and that fires injured considerably more.  Through the help and leadership of USFA and others, this number has decreased to an average of 3,000 people a year.  Unfortunately, though, this rate is still very high, and still one of the highest in the industrialized world.  The $11 billion in annual direct property losses caused by fires is also quite alarmingly.  This reauthorization will enable USFA to continue to do good work addressing the Nation’s fire problem and helping the Nation’s firefighters prepare for the growing number of emergencies they must be ready for.  From house fires to terrorist events to tornados, firefighters are generally the first on the scene and the last to leave.

The U.S. Fire Administration is an invaluable resource for the thousands of firefighters and emergency personnel around the country.  Through training, educational materials, data collection, and other services, USFA provides tools and leadership to the fire service and the communities they serve. 

H.R. 4847 reauthorizes this important agency for four years at funding levels consistent for USFA to fully carry out its mission.  It also addresses a number of priorities that members of the fire service community raised to the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee at a hearing last fall.  H.R. 4847 authorizes USFA to focus its resources on pressing challenges for today’s first responders, like fighting fires in the wildland-urban interface and responding to incidents involving hazardous materials.  It directs USFA to improve the National Fire Incident Reporting System, which provides important data on fire events to policy makers at all levels of government. 

This bill also addresses a very serious issue for the fire service, and that is firefighter health and safety.  As we heard at the hearing last October, every year, over 100 firefighters die in the line of duty.  USFA has shown strong leadership in promoting firefighter health and safety, and H.R. 4847 directs the USFA Administrator to continue this leadership by educating local fire departments on national voluntary consensus standards for firefighter health and safety and encouraging communities to adopt these standards. 

H.R. 4847 is the product of bipartisan collaboration and significant input from the fire service community.  Two weeks ago, this bill was unanimously reported favorably out of the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee.  USFA is one of the only federal resources for our nation’s firefighters, and I urge my colleagues to support this resource and report H.R. 4847 out of Full Committee favorably.

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