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Statewide Communications Planning Methodology (SCIP)

The Statewide Communications Planning Methodology (SCIP) describes a step-by-step process for developing a locally-driven statewide strategic plan for enhancing communications interoperability. As noted, the methodology is based on the efforts employed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, with support from the Department of Homeland Security’s SAFECOM Program, in developing their Strategic Plan for Statewide Communications Interoperability.

Also see the SCIP Methodology

Instructions:  Click the corresponding phase to view relevant tasks and actions in the planning process.

Communications Interoperability Planning Process

Phase I-Funding and Establishing Key Relationships Phase II-Information Gathering Phase III-Create Project Plan and Roadmap Phase IV-Identify Roles and Responsibilities-Project Team Phase V-Recruit Focus Group Participants and Meeting Preparation Phase VI-Conduct Focus Group Interviews Phase VII-Analyze Data and Prepare for Strategic Planning Session Phase VIII-Prepare and condust Strategic Planning Session Phase IX-Develop Statewide Communications Interoperability Strategic Plan Phase X-Guidelines for First 90 Days of Implemention