Export Import Bank of the United States
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When the U.S. exports... America works.

Save the dates! Ex-Im Bank Annual Conference 2009-2013

The Export-Import Bank supports the financing of U.S. goods and services, maintaining, and creating more U.S. jobs...

Washington, DC: Saturday, January 17, 2009 3:49 PM
Sydney: Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:49 AM

Office of Inspector General

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Fraud and Abuse
Office of Inspector General

Environmental Exports Program


SMALL BUSINESS CREATES JOBS AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS - Flare Industries Inc. in Austin, Texas is a small business that manufactures flares for offshore production, refineries, and other petrochemical projects. Their products burn or oxidize industrial waste gases safely and efficiently. Since 2001 the family-owned company has benefited from Ex-Im Bank´s environmental exports credit insurance and also has a working capital line of credit from a local bank that we are guaranteeing as well. The company reports that over 90% of their products are exported, producing 40 export-related jobs.

SMALL BUSINESS CREATES JOBS AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS - Flare Industries Inc. in Austin, Texas is a small business that manufactures flares for offshore production, refineries, and other petrochemical projects. Their products burn or oxidize industrial waste gases safely and efficiently. Since 2001 the family-owned company has benefited from Ex-Im Bank´s environmental exports credit insurance and also has a working capital line of credit from a local bank that we are guaranteeing as well. The company reports that over 90% of their products are exported, producing 40 export-related jobs. ...Read more

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If You're a Small Business Exporter...

Contact Your Local Trade Finance Advisors
Let them provide the knowledge and free assistance you need and deserve!
Call 800.565.3946 (select option 2) or submit your contact information

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    Several Ex-Im Bank seminars are scheduled for early 2009. Check back for details.

Events Not Sponsored by Ex-Im Bank

Updated: January 8, 2009

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When the U.S. Exports, America Works. Export-Import Bank of the United States. Link to USA.gov
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