NTSB Advisory
National Transportation Safety Board
Washington, DC 20594
May 8, 2002


The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a public Board meeting to discuss items on its Most Wanted list of safety improvements and a highway crash that occurred in Tennessee in 2000. The Meeting will be held on May 14, 2002 at 9:30 a.m., in its Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, D.C.

Items on the agenda:

1). The Most Wanted list, begun in 1990, contains safety recommendations that target issues the Board believes are priorities for improving the safety of national transportation system. The Board’s current list includes 12 safety issues in all modes of transportation. Media Contact: Keith Holloway

2). On July 26, 2000, an eastbound tractor semitrailer entered a work zone on Interstate 40 near Jackson, Tennessee at 65 miles per hour and collided with a stationary Tennessee State Patrol vehicle, killing the officer inside. The truck slid across the westbound lanes, striking another vehicle, the occupants of which survived. The Board will discuss several issues involving work zone safety and driver certification. Media Contact: Ted Lopatkiewicz

Directions to Board Room: Front door located on Lower 10th Street, directly below L’Enfant Plaza. From Metro, exit L’Enfant Plaza station at 9th and D Streets escalator, walk through shopping mall, at CVS store take escalator down one level. Board Room will be to your left.

Press Office: (202) 314-6100

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