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Division 844 > Division 844 Facilities > Spectrophotometry


Spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength. While relatively simple in concept, determining the reflectance or transmittance involves careful consideration of the geometrical and spectral conditions of the measurement. We maintain the national scales for reflectance and transmittance in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectral regions (250 nm to 2500 nm).

For technical information or questions, contact:
David Allen
Phone: (301) 975-3680
FAX: (301) 840-5700

For recalibration of SRMs 930, 1930, 2030, and 2031, please contact:
Melody Smith
Phone: 301-975-4115
FAX: 301-977-0587

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Online: September 1997   -   Last updated: February 2008