Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Marin CountySonoma County
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Floor Statements
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Iraq & the Supplemental (#196)
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March 22, 2007
Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Mr. Obey for yielding me this time. I want to thank Mr. Murtha for his leadership. And I assure them that I agree with them in principle. I just disagree in process.

The American public knows a simple truth: you cannot be against this war and vote for $100 billion to continue it.

The Democrats were elected in November because, as recent polls consistently show, the American people want us, are actually expecting us and are demanding of us that we, the Congress, bring our troops home as soon as possible. They do not trust the President to do the right thing. They want us to hold him accountable. The public didn't elect Democrats to bring our troops home in 2008. They elected us to be bold, to bring our troops home now.

Let me make myself very clear. I will not stop, I will not rest and I will not back down in my fight until every last American soldier is home safely with their families.