Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
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Floor Statements
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Iraq & It's Up to Congress to Take the Wheel (#217)
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July 25, 2007
Mr. Speaker, the President is famous for saying that he is the decider, but earlier this week we found out that when it comes to Iraq the American people want Congress to be the decider.

A poll conducted by ABC News and the Washington Post found that 62 percent of the American people say that Congress, and not the White House, should have the final word as to when to bring our troops home. The poll also found that 78 percent of the American people believe that the President is not willing enough to change course in Iraq. Nearly 60 percent favor withdrawal of our troops, and nearly two-thirds believe that the troop surge will not make things better.

And perhaps the saddest thing of all about this, Mr. Speaker, is that the great majority of Americans who have served in Iraq, or who have had a close friend or relative serve there, disapprove of the way the occupation has been handled.

These findings represent a complete repudiation of the President's policies and leadership, but it also poses a great challenge to Members of Congress. The American people are looking for us to lead. But so far, we've let them down. We haven't done what the American people sent here us here to do: end the occupation and bring the troops home.

Yes, it's true that this House voted earlier this month to begin withdrawing our troops within 120 days. That was an important step forward, but it doesn't force the President's hand because there aren't enough votes in this House, yet, to make the bill veto-proof.

I know that my colleagues across the aisle are waiting for General Petraeus to issue his report of the surge in September before they decide what to do about Iraq, but I don't know why we're waiting for a report when the report that really matters has already been issued, the National Intelligence Estimate, which we received last week.

It showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that al Qaeda is the greatest threat to America, and it is operating out of Pakistan, not Iraq. By getting caught in the crossfire of a civil war in Iraq, we have been fighting the wrong enemy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But despite all logic, the administration keeps digging us in even deeper. The press is reporting today that the American command in Iraq has developed a new plan that will keep us fighting and dying there for years more, and at least 2 years more.

This is the worst possible action to take, Mr. Speaker, because it sends the message that our involvement is open-ended. It says to the Iraqi government, you don't have to lift a finger to take responsibility for your country's security because Americans will do the job for you.

Six-and-a-half years later, this administration has pursued an arrogant, go-it-alone foreign policy. It told our allies and the rest of the world to get lost. So it's not surprising that it wants Congress to get lost, too.

But we are a coequal branch. We have a clear mandate from the American people. The American people are telling us, the President is driving us over the cliff. So it's up to the Congress to take the wheel.

Our duty is clear, Mr. Speaker. We must act now to put our country and the world on a better and safer course. We must bring our troops home.