2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2495
Submitter : Miss. Jennifer Bogus Date & Time: 02/15/2006 04:02:49
Organization : NCNM
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I'm studying to be a naturopathic doctor. I am learning that successful treatment comes from having a wide range of modalities to treat and cure patients. Bio-Identical hormones are a potential treatment option for many people in our country. They are not dangerous if employed properly. I am also learning that not every bio-identical hormone is created equal as well. This means that some of them can be potentially harmful because of the constituents of the medication. This is the same for blood pressure medications or statin drugs. There needs to be a wide range of sources for treatment with bio-identical hormones. I would not give a bio-identical hormone to a patient from a certain company (Wyeth) if I knew that for "political" reasons they were trying to shut down other companies from making the same bio- identical hormone. Being a Naturopath means we have many choices when it comes to treating the patient. I will boycott compaines like Wyeth if they contine to use unfair tacticts as well as false statments regarding science and treatment options. The public is educated and once the word gets out (my role is doctor as teacher/educator) no one will do business with companies like Wyeth. The FDA is supposed to protect the people of our country and to do what's best for them, I can't see how supporting a lying and manipulative company like Wyeth is upholding their duty to our citizens. It's a bad idea to go after compounding pharmacies and take the theraputic choice away from America's patients!