2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2479
Submitter : Ms. Laura Owens Date & Time: 02/15/2006 04:02:04
Organization : Ms. Laura Owens
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Pharmacies that are able to compound and present options that are handled by our bodies more gently and without side effects are essential. America is going down the wrong path by making available only synthetic drugs. Synthetic drugs are harmful and only perpetuate a cycle of problems, which doctors are then all too willing to prescribe yet another drug for and so on and so on. On average they do not promote health. Bio identical hormones are safe, effective, tailored to the individual and subtly encourage healing and wellness within. They effectively END an otherwise vicious cycle of medical problems and allow individuals to reclaim their life and their health. America is overdue for medical reform and bio identical hormones and compounding pharmacies are doing their part to allow us to obtain true health. They are not a momentary fix with a synthetic drug that keeps us on an unending cycle of illness. To restrict access to these healing professionals and what they can offer is to actively tell Americans that the government supports only illness, disease, and sickness rather than health, wellness and progress. Public Health is greatly supported by these professionals. They have a cascading, healing effect on the entire economy as a well person can contribute more to society, can hold a job, can enjoy social activities which support the economy and can be emotionally and physically present for their families, rather than a person who takes synthetic drugs and ends up with problems and diseases that prevent them from being an active part of society because they don't feel well. It trickles down to our children also. When people feel well, they interact better and contribute more on a higher level to the life of their children. That is so very important. Not only are the compounding pharmacies allowing us a road back to health, but they are allowing the American family to be healed as well, as the patient?s entire life improves and benefits not only the individual, but the entire family. And in effect the entire community. These caring professionals and the products they offer should not only be supported by the FDA, they should be funded and encouraged to expand to provide optimum health to anyone who needs those services. The compounding pharmacies and the healing products they offer should in fact supplant many synthetic drugs if we as a nation are to work our way back to health. People like myself want real results and natural options for ourselves and our families. We want a life of health. Bio identical hormones and compounding pharmacies are vital to this. It is truly a flagrant violation of national concern to not only ignore this healing route but to discourage it knowing that so many could have a second chance at health if they were only aware. The fact that America chooses to keep the average consumer unaware of these options by not promoting them in a mainstream manner is the crime here. We need to reverse our thinking. The current path of synthetic drug treatment is harmful and not working for people. We need options, we need results; we need true health. And we need bio identical hormones and compounding pharmacies to make that happen.