2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2463
Submitter : Ms. Debbie Trublood Date & Time: 02/15/2006 04:02:33
Organization : Ms. Debbie Trublood
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
This is the United States and it is my right to have the freedom of choice in choosing natural products. I find this absolutely "outrageous" and intolerable that the FDA would even consider this.

I currently am benefiting from natural hormones when everything else has failed. Our body chemistry is individual and therefore, each person needs to be treated individually and given freedom of choice as to what works best for their body! Nobody has the right to take away the only treatment that is working for me!

This is unacceptable to me and the millions of other consumers whose rights are being violated and who are also benefiting from natural hormones.

Furthermore, the relationship between the FDA and Pharmaceutical Companies is also unacceptable to me. How dare you put big business first and choose power, money and greed over consumers, the people you're really suppose to protect!

As a citizen and consumer of the United States of America, once again, I will speak up and fight this to the end!

Debbie Trublood