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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

In the News

Read the current stories in the news where RCFLs are providing digital forensics support to investigators.

  Federal Courthouse Bombing Two people plead guilty to bombing the U.S. Courthouse in San Diego that occurred on May 4, 2008. The San Diego RCFL (SDRCFL) supported the FBI investigation – performing audiovisual analysis of footage from courthouse cameras. Click here to read the press released issued by the FBI Press Office.

  Holy Land Conviction Five former leaders of a U.S.-based Muslim charity were recently convicted of funding more than $12 million to the Palestinians terrorist group Hamas. The North Texas RCFL supported the investigation - examining approximately 500 computers and an Examiner testified in Federal court. Click here to learn more.

  Philadelphia News Anchor Sentenced Former TV anchor Larry Mendte, 51, a well-known media personality in Philadelphia, completed his fall from grace after being sentenced by U.S. District Judge Mary A. McLaughlin to six months of house arrest. Mendte pleaded guilty in federal court for hacking into former colleague Alycia Lane’s s mail account and reading over 500 personal and confidential messages. The Philadelphia RCFL supported the investigation – click here for the full story.

  Camp Counselor Information Sought November 5, 2008 - The Washington County Sheriff's Office (WCSO), a participating agency in the Northwest RCFL (NWRCFL) is asking the public for information about an Aloha, Oregon man who allegedly showed pictures of child pornography to youngsters at a Salem computer camp where he worked as a counselor. Click here to learn more.

  Female Half of "Bonnie & Clyde" of Identity Fraud Sentenced Jocelyn Kirsch, who gained notoriety as the female half of the "Bonnie & Clyde" of identity fraud, received a five year prison sentence for stealing personal information from 50 friends, co-workers and neighbors, which they used to obtain fraudulent credit cards. She also had to pay $100,000 in restitution and must undergo mental health treatment while in prison. Judge Eduardo C. Robreno said her crimes were the result of "greed and a desire to fuel a lavish lifestyle." The Philadelphia RCFL is supporting the investigation – click here to read the full story.

  Former Pennsylvania State Senator’s Trial Begins He was one of Pennsylvania's most powerful and wealthiest lawmakers, but on October 22, 2008, Vincent J. Fumo was just another defendant in federal court, facing charges of fraud, conspiracy and obstruction of justice. The Philadelphia RCFL is providing expert digital forensics expertise in support of this high-profile investigation - click here to learn more.

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