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5 USC 552, FOIA
42 USC 108, NWPA of 1982, as Amended
10 CFR 2
10 CFR 50
10 CFR 51
10 CFR 63
Interim Staff Guidance
NRC News Releases
NRC's Yucca Mountain Review Plan
EPA's Laws & Regulations on Yucca Mountain
EPA's Yucca Mountain Standards
Electronic Submission Guide
License Application Supporting Documents
Yucca Mountain Repository License Application
About the Licensing Support Network

The Licensing Support Network (LSN) responds to a congressional mandate that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reach a determination on the Department of Energy's (DOE's) application for construction authorization for a high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, in a three-year time frame. To shorten the time spent on the exchange of documents that may be used as evidence in the NRC licensing proceeding, the parties and potential parties to the hearing on the DOE application will make their documents available via the Internet before the DOE license application is submitted to the NRC. The LSN provides a single place where the parties and potential parties to the licensing hearing can search for documents from any/all of those collections in a uniform way. During peak usage, access to the system may be restricted to participants in the licensing process.

The LSN is codified in 10 C.F.R. 2, Subpart J. This web site is administered by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel of the NRC.