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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

December 18, 2008 – Teenager Accused of Murder Will Face Charges as an Adult

A 15-year old girl accused of killing her mother, will stand trial as an adult – the defendant was only 14 at the time of the killing. During a recent hearing, San Diego RCFL Examiner Tim Hamon testified regarding the digital evidence he recovered from a cell phone used by D’Aoust. Examiner Hamon read aloud a message he found on the phone which said, “Wake up. Kill with hammer as they wake up. Hide bodies in back seat of van. Drive to church. Leave them with Christian-hating note, steal money. Bike home. Go to sleep again."

A second Examiner, Patrick Lim, also testified at the hearing and explained his findings from an Apple computer sometimes used by the defendant which included Google search phrases such as "lethal household things," "parents murdered by child" and "children who kill." The latter phrase led to a Website entitled "The Crime Library," where a page was viewed that said "The Unthinkable-Children who kill and what motivates them." Examiner Lim also testified that before the killing, someone used the computer to view a Web page titled "BigDaddyBlog-Merk's Top Ten Murder Weapons." A hammer ranked sixth on the list, he said. The defendant’s mother, Rebecca D’Aoust, was struck repeatedly in the head and hands and died of blunt force trauma.

Heather D’Aoust will learn her trial date shortly.


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