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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

Philadelphia RCFL Supporting Investigation Involving Threats Against Colleges


The Philadelphia RCFL (PHRCFL) is assisting state and local authorities in an investigation involving a series of threatening e-mails against five college campuses outside Philadelphia. The campuses are part of Delaware County Community College, which comprises 16 campuses serving approximately 10,000 students. School officials were forced to close the schools for several days, and according to a statement from Jerome S. Parker, President, on the college’s Web site, classes will remain closed while the police investigation continues.

According to published press reports, school officials from two of the campuses at Delaware County Community College received nearly a dozen e-mails on April 26, 2007 threatening "violence against numerous persons." The PHRCFL is currently analyzing several computers and digital evidence related to the investigation. The PHRCFL's digital forensics Examiners are certified by the FBI's Computer Analysis Response Team and are experts at extracting information such as deleted emails and encrypted files from a variety of electronic devices including computers, MP3 players, cell phones and more. The investigation into who made the threats is ongoing.

[Philadelphia RCFL web site ]

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