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Oct.2, 2008: Congressman Ryan: “Progress Made on Cleveland-Pittsburgh High Speed Rail Service” | Print |


(Washington, D.C.) Congressman Ryan announced today that the passage of the Amtrak Reauthorization bill as part of the Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act brings high-speed rail service one step closer to reality in the Mahoning Valley. The bill includes authorization to conduct a study of the feasibility of extending the already authorized Keystone Corridor between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh west to Cleveland.


The study is required by the Federal Railroad Administration and is the first step toward establishing high-speed rail service in the Mahoning Valley. The study would be conducted by the Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC), which has already completed most of the work. Completion of the study is necessary before ORDC can undertake a project environmental impact statement, the next step in the process, which would recommend a specific route through the Valley. Engineering work could then begin after which construction of the line would commence.


“High-speed rail service in the Mahoning Valley is no longer just a dream—we are moving closer to making this a reality,” said Congressman Ryan. “The economic benefits will help revitalize our economy, improve mobility of our people and make our area an essential link between Pittsburgh and Cleveland.”


In addition to the local corridor, the bill also calls for a feasibility analysis regarding the expansion of the Keystone Corridor to Cleveland, Ohio and a high-speed rail line from Memphis, TN to Houston and San Antonio, TX.

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