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Sep.26, 2008: Reps. Ryan and Wilson Announce Housing Bill Grants for Demolition and Redevelopment | Print |


(Washington, D.C.) Congressmen Tim Ryan (OH-17) and Charlie Wilson (OH-6) announced today that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is awarding $2,708,205 to the City of Youngstown. This money was appropriated by Congress in the major housing bill it passed in July. Seventy-five percent of the money can be used for demolition. Twenty-five percent can be used to purchase and redevelop abandoned and foreclosed homes that will be used to house families whose incomes do not exceed 50% of area median income.


“This money will provide our struggling cities with the opportunity to demolish abandoned properties and take possession of homes that can be rehabilitated, said Congressman Ryan. “We need to take care of our neighborhoods and keep our cities moving forward.”


“I’m proud that this money will help clean up blighted homes,” Wilson said.  “If foreclosed properties are so far gone that they can’t be rehabilitated, neighborhoods need to have the ability to get rid of the problem. I fought hard for the demolition option as the legislation was being crafted in the Financial Services Committee. I’m pleased the money is reaching Ohio neighborhoods in need.”


 The City of Akron is receiving $8,583,491.53 and other parts of Summit County will receive $3,767,143.53. The State of Ohio also is receiveing $116,859,222 to distribute to counties and cities at its discretion.

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