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Ex: h.r. 842, s. 5

Ex: tax reform



We invite you to apply for unpaid internships in our offices in both Washington D.C. and in the district. These highly competitive positions offer unique opportunities for you to gain an insider's view of the legislative process.

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Contact Congressman Ryan | Print |

As your U.S. Representative, my staff and I stand ready to be of help to you in dealing with the federal government on a wide-range of matters – including Veterans’ benefits, Social Security, Medicare, attaining Passports and IRS concerns. If you have an urgent personal casework issue concerning one of these, or any other issue, please contact one of my local offices if I, or my staff, can be of assistance in any way:

Akron (330)-630-7311 for Passport issues;
Youngstown (330)-740-0193 for Military related casework issues; or
Warren (330)-373-0074
for all other casework matters and local scheduling requests.

If you are calling from Portage or Summit Counties, please call toll-free at (800) 856-4152. Please note that often times federal agencies require that I have a Privacy Statement signed by you with your Social Security number. If you need to contact me about a problem you are having with a federal bureaucracy, please be sure to print and fill out the Privacy Release Form and mail it to the appropriate office.

Click here for a list of Congressman Ryan's Washington D.C. Staff.
Click here for a list of Congressman Ryan's District Staff.

I am always interested in hearing your views on issues of importance to you as well as your thoughts on pending legislation. Please use this form to pass on your thoughts and be advised that any scheduling, tour, or casework requests sent through this form will not be responded to. For these matters please call our offices at the above numbers.  Due to the large amount of constituent correspondence I receive on a daily basis, it may take 4-8 weeks before I am able to provide you with an appropriate response.

* - Required field. Field must be filled out.
 (will help me respond to you faster) 

* Please remember to reference a bill title in your comments, and please direct all district scheduling requests to our Warren District Office *


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