2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3290
Submitter : Ms. Mary Grist Date & Time: 12/15/2006 08:12:30
Organization : Ms. Mary Grist
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am writing to express deep concern for the FDA's policy change regarding fetal tissue and vaccines. I for one will not be willing to get another vaccine if such an approval occurs. It concerns me that there will be many others like me who will have such moral and ethical concerns with the practice that they too will refuse to receive vaccines. It would seem to me that such widespread refusal would cause national health concerns; especially since there is such grave fears of a pandemic. This change is ill conceive and poorly considered. Why jeapordize the health of a nation by such a practice? I have sent my letter to the FDA under the Open Comments response to Docket Number 2006D-0383.