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Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory National Program Office

Forensics lab receives accreditation

October 28th, 2008
By Mary Richards
Source: www.ksl.com

Law enforcement's newest technology tool got a boost today. The regional computer forensics lab received international accreditation.

The secure evidence room has shelves and shelves of computers, hard drives, cell phones, PDAs and video cameras. Any electronic tool connected to a crime is analyzed there

"Technology will overwhelm us if we are not out in front," Gary Raney, sheriff of Ada County, Idaho, said.

"If it were not for the Intermountain West Regional Forensics Crime Laboratory, we would have hundreds of law enforcement officers across rural regions like Idaho trying to do their best at collecting computer evidence. And they wouldn't do it the right way," Raney said.

The lab serves Idaho, Utah and Montana. The international accreditation it received today from the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors and Laboratory Accreditation Board means the evidence gathered there can be trusted and stands up in court.

The lab analyzed 10,691 pieces of digital information last year. Sixty percent of the information was for child pornography cases, but a growing number of investigations are homicide, fraud and identity theft.

View the original article online at www.ksl.com.

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