2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7515
Submitter : Ms. Victoria Nast Date & Time: 03/06/2006 04:03:53
Organization : Feminist Health Center of Portsmouth,NH
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a Nurse Practitioner who has been prescribing bioidentical hormones for the past 20 yrs.In all that time I have never had even one patient have an adverse effect from any of the compounds.As a clinician I absolutely resent the intrusion of a drug company{which has been cited as producing harmful compounds such as Premarin and prempro} to have the audacity to try to get between my patients and my trusting and helpful relationships to further their own sour grapes agenda.I have had women come to me who were put on premarin without any other options {so they were told}whose lives and health were truly suffering. Within a month of starting on biologically identical hormones, they are well and experiencing the joys that good health can bring.There is no sheep or herd mentatlity.The bioidenticals are custom tapered to each individuals needs.I cannot say enough about my experiences with the compounding pharmacists.They are always available to me to work out formulas, to teach and to answer questions. They have been very attentive to my patients often calling them to see if they had any questions. I have had patients with literally tears in their eyes of gratitude because they have had such wonderful, personal attention from the collaboration of clinicians and pharmacists.This is a giant positive step forward in the evolution of Healthcare.Why should this be tossed aside for the personal profits and interests of a disgruntled pharmaceutical industry. This is America,Patients and doctors should have a choice in saying no to pharmaceuticals that are not in their best interests.Maybe if these drug companies put their time and energy into fixing what 's wrong with their products instead of going after and attacking things that are successful and beneficial,they could make this great country of ours a better place for all of us.I intend to contact all of the countless patients I have treated for the past 20 years to please give testimony about how their lives have improved with bioidenticals and how there has been no terrible health trade offs.