2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7445
Submitter : Ms. Eva Parsons Date & Time: 03/06/2006 03:03:57
Organization : Ms. Eva Parsons
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please do not allow the pharmaceuticals to take away my right to chose what I want and don't want to put in my own body.

Were it not for my present physical condition, which has absolutely nothing to do with 'female' problems, I would be 'female' symptom-free as a result of using the compounds.

The compounds my doctor prescribes for me have been a life saver. Not only are these compounds a natural product, but are also safe, and INEXPENSIVE. A full month's supply of these compounts costs me $13.00 compared to when I was on that toxic waste called Premarin that cost me $35.00 for my co-pay alone. What a RIP-OFF. And that was FOUR YEARS AGO! At that price I could afford to pay for almost three month's supply of my compound. And I can't believe in how much danger those pharmaceuticals put me in with their greed! We already know that the pharmaceuticals are only concerned with one thing...their bottom line, with absolutely no regard to women's health whatsoever.

They are not fooling anyone with this ploy of theirs. We all know that their only concern is with their pocketbooks, and not women's health. PLEASE DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THEIR PLOY EITHER.

NO, do not let the pharmaceuticals take away my right. They don't care about my health, why should I care about their pocketbook? NO, NO, NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Thank you,
Eva G. Parsons