2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7391
Submitter : Dr. marie helen luebbers Date & Time: 03/06/2006 03:03:43
Organization : Dr. marie helen luebbers
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a woman, 57 years old, and I have been using BHRT for 5 years (cream tri-est and cream progesterone). I am very pleased with the results. I did that on my doctor's recommendation. I do not have hot flashes any more, and I feel very healthy and comfortable. I did not experience any side effect. As my needs for these hormones subsided, I have been steadily reducing my dosis under the supervision of my doctor. I will definiely NOT use any of the "conventionnal" hormones that are currently on the market, such as premarin , or the combination of non bio-identical estrogen and progestin. I have been reading articles and books about the subject and these "conventionnal" drugs do not seem safe to me. Moreover, I used premarin and also a form of progestin before switching to BHRT, and experienced bleeding and headaches.I think that we should keep an alternative to drugs that are recognized to be a health hazard, such as Premarin or progestin. One of the benefits of coumpounded BHRT is that they can be adapted to each patient,whereas it is not the case with industrially made drugs. I urge you not to give in to the very special interests of a drug company which is primarily motivated by its own benefits, but to consider instead the benfits of the health of people. Let people choose their medication. Let a variety of treatments be available to them, because people are not all alike and need different approaches. Best regards, Marie Helen Luebbers