2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7282
Submitter : Mrs. Karen Morris Date & Time: 03/06/2006 02:03:17
Organization : Mrs. Karen Morris
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To the FDA

Dear Sirs:

I am writing to ask you to preserve my right to choose natural, bio-identical hormones that are prepared by compounding pharmacies. Not only have the hormones made a tremendous difference during my pre-menopause, peri-menopause, and post-menopause stages, I also feel that I have the right to choose what I put into my body.

I see the doctor twice a year so that he can adjust my hormones depending on what stage of menopause I am in. I am 53 and in the post- menopause stage of my life and going through menopause was a breeze. (You can verify that with my husband) You hear horror stories about women going through menopause and I had very few symptoms. I owe all of this to bio-identical hormones. I will continue to take natural hormones to protect my bones from osteoporsis.

Please, let me plead with you to let me and other women have the choice of bio-identical hormones to transition through menopause with ease. We will all have a more pleasant life.


Karen Morris
Age 53