2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7195
Submitter : Ms. Janice Anderson Date & Time: 03/06/2006 11:03:30
Organization : Inverness Medical Innovations
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Several years ago I made several attempts at taking the commercial HRT in varying doses and by several manufacturers. It did not provide 'Quality of Life' for me. I had reactions that were unacceptable. As a last attempt to find an HRT that I could take, I turned to BHRT. It WORKED and WORKED WELL. Initially, I had no preference as to the drug companies supplying their brand of HRT. All I was concerned about was how my body reacted to the drug and the 'Quality of Life' the drug gave me. I would now have to say, there is something wrong with the commercial HRT drug(s). What I do know is commercial HRT does NOT work for all women, and I am one. Several years on I am now extremely concerned about the lack of withdrawal of the commercial HRTs and the increased adverse effects women have have in increasing numbers. Most women do not know about BHRT and are not, in my opinion, given a chance to choose the best course of therapy available. To take this option away from the public is wrong. It is merely big business, wanting to maintain their full share of the market. If they were so concerned about 'health', they would have done better clinical trials to ascertain true adverse effects, and they would have also taken a good look at 'why' BHRT performs better than the commercial HRT available. I think Merck, who has been riddled with issues over the years, needs to put a little more money in their R&D department and get new scientists to match the monitary effort, in stead of diverting attention away from the ill effects of their own HRT onto a an organization that has a fraction of the HRT business, and the best results for its clients.