2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7180
Submitter : Ms. jackie cleveland Date & Time: 03/06/2006 11:03:32
Organization : self
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
My Dr prescribes Bio Identical hormones to me, I have taken them for around two years now. I am in a premenopause stage of my life and suffer from severe headachces, lack of libido, irregular menstral cycles (averaged TWO per month), mood swings, insomnia, and dry vaginal walls. Being on the bio identical hormone replacement therapy has taken ALL of my symtoms away, Safely and with NO ILL SIDE EFFECTS.
Another Dr put me on bith control pills and heacache medicine to treat my systoms, IT DID NOT WORK TO RELIEF MY SYMTOMS. In fact, I suffered from nausea and dizziness after taking the prescription headache medicine and I still had two periods per month.
My current Doctor is a highy respected OB/GYN physician and has prescribed these types of Bio indentical hormone therapies for over 18 years. None of her patients have suffered bad side effects or cancer from Bio identical hormone replacement.
I am a hard working single parent with two childern to support, this means I can not miss work. I must be able to cope with life and fully fuction in order to meet my responsibilities as a parent.
The Bio Identical hormone replacement I am taking, insures my health both physically and mentally, it has changed my life for the better, I am symtom free and happy.
PLEASE DON'T make it impossible for me to continue my treatment!!!! Hundreds of Thousands of men and women's health and well being is at stake here, Please protect our RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT WE WANT IN REGARDS TO OUR OWN HEALTH CARE. Bioidentical hormone replacement is a safe and prefered method of treatment for me and does not cause CANCER. Can the makers of Premarin and Prepro say that!!?? The answer is clearly NO>