2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7040
Submitter : Mrs. susan threlkeld Date & Time: 03/06/2006 09:03:46
Organization : Mrs. susan threlkeld
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am appalled that this action is being taken, I have already suffered at the
hands of my Dr. who took my ovaries, it has been 5 yrs of pure hell. The Dr.
just threw the estrogen patch at me without any test or anything, isn't that
more dangerous than testing for your hormone levels and then having a trained
person evaluate the situation and give you what you need. If anybody's has had
estrogen dominance they would know what I am talking about, migaines, dry heaves
in some cases, and I am sure it could contribute to cancer. My Dr. knew nothing
about hormone replacement and I suffered from that greatly, it was only when
I found a NP who was willing to work with a compounding Pharmacy to get my hormones balanced, finally after 5 yrs I am feeling like a human again. The Dr.s
are brain washed by the Pharmacutical co.s to continue these practices of throwing a patch at us, and of course it is easier for them notto take the time
to really give us the care we are paying for. My compounding Pharmacy has been
tirelessly helping me, unlike the many Dr.s I have seen, and has never charged
me a consulting fee. I can see how the Pharmasutical company's could be upset
about this because they will be loosing money, and unfortunatly the money is what drives this country, but what about us, what has happened to real health
care? Nobody seems to care about that. I and many other women have suffered
terribly at the hands of these Dr.s that take out our organs and get the money,
but when there is a problem, because of, it instead of taking the time to help
us work thru it, they just kick us to the curb and accuse us of whining.
It makes me sick to know that the people who helped me the most will be kicked
to the curb. As far as endangering the public health what about Dr.s just giving
out estrogen, only, without even knowing if a women produces some on her own,or
if she needs the other hormones that our bodies once produced. This is not about
endangering the public, it is about these company's loosing MONEY!