2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7037
Submitter : Mrs. josefina lising Date & Time: 03/06/2006 09:03:16
Organization : Mrs. josefina lising
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
my name is josefina lising I am 55 yrs old and as soon as I hit menopause, ugly symptoms came pouring in, and my worse symptom is moodiness and depression. I used to have a lot of patience, I was never a short tempered person. Besides the all too familiar , hot flashes, dryness, foggy brain my main concern was depression and moodiness. I snap on anything and my husband and family are all affected , that is when I decided to see a doctor who uses Bio Identical Hormones, mainly because I have a strong family history of breast cancer. Within 4 months I quickly went back to my normal self. I had a slew of good news to tell my doctor, 1. relief of dry eyes ( I went to an eye dr who even decided to do a minor surgery on me , to no avail), 2. relief of overactive bladder, 3. Relief of fluid retention, 4. Less anxiety, with good feel attitude. My big bonus is I lost my stubborn 6 lbs the natural way which I credit to my balance hormones. Before I saw this doctor I was taking medicines for hot flashes and detrol la for my overactive bladder, she ask me to quit these medications as soon as I started these hormones. I uses to go countless times to the restroom specially at night, and what a relief I do not have that problem anymore. I hate to think why such good alternative is being threaten and will be prohibited. I will never want to go back to my bitchy self, that was a nightmare for me and my family, it was not me!!!. If you prohibit bio identical hormones what alternative will I have. My other doctor used to give me effexor when I complain to her about my anxiety, they never worked. These hormones were the only treatment that gave me back my normal life.