2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7034
Submitter : Ms. Annette Gross Date & Time: 03/06/2006 09:03:59
Organization : Ms. Annette Gross
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am asking that the FDA deny Wyeth's request to stop compounding pharmacist's from making BHRT and compounding in general.
As one of thousands of women across the country who rely on BHRT, I find this very distasteful. I have been using BHRT for more that 2 years, I had read many studies on oral HRT, and I knew it was not for me. When I decided to go on HRT I knew that compounding was the way I wanted to go. Every person is different and when it comes to HRT one size DOES NOT fit all. Please do not allow this to be taken from us. It basicly comes down to money and the fact that women are viewed as second class citizens and our needs are not what is important. Wyeth Mfg. is not making money from women who use BHRT as a nurse I can assure you that they make a heafty profit and this is one area that they SHOULD NOT profit from. I'm sure if viagra was something that can be and was compounded Wyeth Mfg. would not be trying to stop it. Trust me when I say that if any of the women in your life are using BHRT and can no longer get access to their medication, you won't want to be around much. If only you could experience hot flashes, mood swings, or bloating maybe you would see things differently. Please think long and hard about this decision, for us it is not about money it is about my health and well being and it doesn't seem that Wyeth Mfg. is at all concerened about thousands of womens health, just their bottom line. If women can't get BHRT here they will find it elsewhere, wheither it is something that is of the best quality or not, and that could lead to injury or death to thousands of women. IT SHOULD NOT BE ABOUT MONEY, IT SHOULD BE ABOUT OUR HEALTH.