2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC2672
Submitter : Mrs. Maureen Redmer Date & Time: 12/06/2006 09:12:35
Organization : Mrs. Maureen Redmer
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
As a Catholic and a health professional (RN) I am against the use of any type of aborted embryonic matter for research. I strongly believe in research to cure and or prevent diseases and related health problems but I don't believe the end justifies the means if embryonic cell/tissue components are used. We as Americans condemned Hitler for his efforts to develop a master race by eliminating and/or experimenting on those he felt were inferior and yet we don't hesitate to eliminate and experiment on the most innocent and helpless members of our society. What is the difference? The pandora's box that could be opened by the use of parts of the bodies/cell/tissues of these innocent aborted babies is frightening. There are no safeguards stopping women from deliberately getting pregnant in order to abort and be paid for their aborted babies to be used for such experimentation. I had a baby die of SIDS and it was an incredibly painful experience but I wouldn't even want a cure for SIDS to be found by the use of aborted babies cells/tissues. That would be trading one life for another and I don't think we have the right to make those decisions and choices.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be heard and I pray that those who have the authority to make these decisions will take these comments to heart and find other means to make these most important breakthroughs.
Maureen Redmer, RN