Michele Bachmann
Joined: May 07, 2008
Last Sign In: 23 hours ago
Subscribers: 167
Channel Views: 8,987
The latest news from Washington D.C.
Party: Republican
Current Office: Congress
Serving the 6th District of Minnesota
Hometown: Woodbury, MN
Country: United States
Occupation: Congresswoman
Companies: U.S. House of Representatives
Website: http://bachmann.house.gov/
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Glenn Beck: Call to Action Against the Spending Package
On Glenn Beck discussing what alternatives are left for those opposed to the multi...
2 days ago 394 views RepMicheleBachmann
Rep. Bachmann's Hope for Homeowners Amendment
Rep. Bachmann introduces a taxpayer-friendly amendment to H.R. 384, the TARP Refor...
1 week ago 335 views RepMicheleBachmann
Hannity Premiere - The Great American Panel Segment
Sitting on the Great American Panel segment during Sean Hannity's new show "Hannit...
2 weeks ago 2,594 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann: An Additional $350 Billion in TARP Funds?
Rep. Bachmann on Fox Business discussing the President's request to release the re...
2 weeks ago 375 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann: Is a Bailout for the Auto Industry the Way to Go?
Michele Bachmann appears on CNBC's Squawk Box to talk about the shortfalls of the ...
2 months ago 874 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann: Bailing Out the Auto Industry
Michele Bachmann appears on Bloomberg TV to discuss the possible $25 billion bailo...
2 months ago 409 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann on the Future of the GOP
Rep. Bachmann appears on Your World with Neil Cavuto to discuss the role of the GO...
2 months ago 800 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann: Bailout Passed...Where Are We Now?
After the economic bailout bill passed a couple weeks ago, what's the state of our...
3 months ago 1,104 views RepMicheleBachmann
Bachmann: No Vote on the Bailout...What Needs to be Done
On Fox Business right after the House vote on the 2nd Bailout Bill discussing the ...
3 months ago 351 views RepMicheleBachmann
The Pelosi Premium
Tired of paying the Pelosi Premium at the pump? Hold Democrats accountable for the...
9 months ago 14,082 views HouseConference
Democrats At The Trough: Spotlight on Earmark Abuse
Democrat promises for earmark transparency have given way to secrecy and back room...
1 year ago 14,531 views HouseConference
Michele Bachman Testifies About Foster Care
Representative Michele Bachman replies to the inquiries of Jerry Weller, Ranking M...
1 year ago 1,989 views HouseRepublicans
Michele Bachmann Testimony About Her Foster Children
Representative Michele Bachman of Minnesota testifies before the Ways and Means Co...
1 year ago 330 views HouseRepublicans
Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address
Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address. Why don't we have President's that talk lik...
1 year ago 94,270 views cs24601
The Truth About American Energy
This is an animation to go with Newt's new book Drill Here Drill Now Pay Less
3 months ago 2,590 views ngingrich
Fighting for American Energy Solutions
House Republicans welcome Democrats back to Washington and demand an up-or-down vo...
4 months ago 4,580 views HouseConference
Why NOT drilling will make oil companies richer
Newt explains why oil companies make more money with less supply and that inaction...
5 months ago 4,195 views ngingrich
AIM: Conservative Bloggers Briefing 7/29/08
Conservative Bloggers Briefing at the Heritage Foundation July 29, 2008 featuring ...
6 months ago 629 views aimaccuracy
Channel Comments (104)
ProudReaganite (1 week ago)
Hi Michele! I'm a grassroots activist here in MI and I want to say that you are a leading light for conservatism on Capitol Hill. The haters can post all the vitriol they want it still won't change the fact that you're a shooting star in the Republican Party. You do us grassroots activists proud Michele keep up the great work!
When we regain the majority you can stand next to the podium with Speaker of the House Mike Pence. You can have is old job as Conference Chairman.
truthforamerica (1 week ago)
Thanks for being a breath of fresh air in Washington. Disregard these liberal hacks that comment on your channel. They are placing their hope in the Messiah Bama that wants to socialize this country.
Nobunaga365 (1 week ago)
You make Republicans proud Michele because you stand up for conservative principles while others try to go along with the DC "herd". Unlike the RINOs you are a true Republican and do us conservative grassroots activists proud.
Camilo19832001 (1 week ago)
why the hell are you wasting our taxpayer dollars by making youtube videos!!! STEP DOWN !!!
PreserveDiversity2 (1 week ago)
The recent senate race does not indicate Minnesotta is turning to the left. Third party ie. Constitution and libertarian absorbed many Republican Coleman votes. If the third parties didn't run, Coleman would have won by a landslide and there would have been no run off with Al Franken. Al Franken's victory is still corrupt, because he won by more votes than there are voters. Furthermore, Franken still only won by a razor thin Margine.
PreserveDiversity2 (2 weeks ago)
I wish Jorg Haider was still alive. He was the best politician in the world, until his assasination. No one can compare to Jorg Haider.
SARTEEY (2 weeks ago)
The bible says to love thy neighbor, well guess what my neighbors are Gay. What, oh great communicator with God, should I do follow YOUR HATE or GODS LOVE?
FaaarLeft (2 weeks ago)
Your painted-on smile makes you seem VERY fake.
SoftwareEmpire2018 (2 weeks ago)
Nobody really found America. Aztecs had a better civilization and cleaner environment. They were rich and successful. The cross carriers came to their land and deseased everybody and killed 91% of the aztecs. Why force people to believe in a book (bible) written by constantine? Science is fake! No offense to teachers in school but I always get kicked out because I challenge them. What's my point? I would like to work with the elite government. Can you tell G. W. Bush and Obama that my future plans are going to sweep this nation with a new digital interface!
tedyork (2 weeks ago)
Why didn't you post the video of you on Hardball calling people of congress anti-American? That's a classic! Joe McCarthy would be so proud of you.
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