1978N-0065 Skin Bleaching Drug Products
FDA Comment Number : EC139
Submitter : Dr. Audrey Kunin Date & Time: 12/14/2006 11:12:20
Organization : DERMAdoctor
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
As a board certified dermatologist with more than 20 years of experience, I can honestly say that I have never seen a single case of exogenous ochronosis or any other side effect associated with the use of either OTC or prescription hydrocortisone. In addition, having what I believe is the world's largest skin health and beauty advice column serving several million consumers worldwide, I have never received an email with respect to medically concerning issues related to the use of hydroquinone as well.

The removal of hydroquinone from the over-the-counter market would significantly impact millions of consumers who either have no access to prescriptions and medical care or are unaware of their availability. Also, prescription hydroquinone products are typically not covered by medical insurance and are far too expensive for most patients, unlike those which are easily available over-the-counter.

I am in complete agreement with the American Academy of Dermatology's following statements:

Hydroquinone is one of the most effective molecules for the treatment of dark discoloration over the past 40-50 years and has been used in millions of people. It is used to treat the top concerns among our patients including melasma, photo-aging, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, medically and cosmetic disfiguring dyschromias.

Since 1961, hydroquinone has demonstrated a safe and effect profile among clinicians prescribing or recommending hydroquinone products. In spite of humans exposure to natural sources of hydroquinone in wheat, pears, berries, coffee, tea, onions, rice and red wine, there is not an association with carcinogenicity. There have been no reported cases of related malignancies in more than 50 years of manufacture and use of HQ.

Thank you for your time.
Audrey Kunin, M.D.