2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3281
Submitter : Mr. Kenneth Wilson Date & Time: 12/14/2006 01:12:59
Organization : Christian Action Council
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
We appreciate the FDA's ultimate goal of protecting American families, but publishing guidelines allowing cells lines from aborted children to be used in the development of vaccines will produce the opposite effect. If the FDA believes in vaccinations, then they should acknowledge that as more and more Americans discover aborted children are a component of these vaccines (such as Mercks current Chicken pox, Rubella (MMR) and Hepatitis A vaccines) the more they and their children will shun them, thereby making Americans even more susceptible to the diseases the vaccines are intended to prevent.

Some in the FDA may argue that using aborted human cells for vaccines should not be morally objectionable and that any person or group of people who so believe are merely ignorant. But that argument is itself a judgment call and inevitably discriminatory against Americans who hold to more traditional values. An ever growing number of Americans soberly believe that an aborted child is a human child and will steadfastly refuse to be injected with anything biologically derived from the remains of a terminated child. It should be the FDA's very reasonable expectation for millions of Americans and their children.

There are other companies and other countries producing these and other vaccines using safe, less ethically controversial, cell lines. For broader appeal and maximum effectiveness, the FDA should adopt guidelines that everyone can live with.

Ken Wilson
Christian Action Council
PMB No.172
4132 S.Rainbow Blvd.,
Las Vegas NV 89103
(702) 248-1294