2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3176
Submitter : Mrs. Gertrude Hooker Date & Time: 12/14/2006 01:12:00
Organization : Mrs. Gertrude Hooker
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I object to the pharmaceutical industry using the cells of aborted babies to develop any vaccines. There are other ethical organic cell sources which could be used for developing vaccines. Lives will be in jeopardy when adults refuse vaccines either for their children or themselves should the vaccines be made from aborted fetuses (who are really human babies). If the pharmaceutical industry wants to make big profits, they will refuse to use aborted babies. Science does not have to be evil. God will bless people who try to obey God, our Creator.