2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3145
Submitter : Mrs. Antoinette Sabo Date & Time: 12/14/2006 01:12:49
Organization : Mrs. Antoinette Sabo
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I write to implore the FDA to issue guidelines to pharmaceutical companies that when manufacturing vaccines, they restrict their use of stem cells to those lines established from sources other than fetal tissue obtained from aborted babies.
It only makes sense to utilize non-objectionable cell lines in vaccine production so that all people can benefit from them without compromising their moral beliefs and pro-life convictions. This is especially true since there is an abundance of ethical sources.
In so doing, the FDA will make it clear that here in the United States, where the inalienable right to life is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence, no person's life-no matter how young or how early in its development-will be forfeited for the sake of others.