2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC3116
Submitter : Mrs. Christina Rock Date & Time: 12/14/2006 01:12:13
Organization : Mrs. Christina Rock
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please do not use cell lines from aborted babies for medical experiments. I lost a baby over a year ago; I was 22 weeks pregnant (though he had died around 16-17 weeks), and I delivered a tiny baby boy stillborn. He was perfect in every way, and we were able to hold him before having a proper burial for him. It is shocking, not to mention completely unethical, to imagine that for medical purposes we desicrate these tiny babies bodies. We have other proven methods in which to produce vaccines, and other medical products, than to abandon our most basic understandings of respecting life. We do we go from there if we've lost that tenet of society? We have a duty to care for those who have died, and give a proper ceremony or burial. Unfortunately, those who have been killed through abortion are not given that basic respect, and even worse, we use their bodies for 'science.' I pray you will not stray down that bloody slope. Thank you.