2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2887
Submitter : Mrs. Lori Swanson Date & Time: 02/16/2006 05:02:27
Organization : Mrs. Lori Swanson
Category : Drug Association
Issue Areas/Comments
THis is for the FDA - Docket:2005P-0411 Identical Hormone Replacement therapy.

I am writing to tell you how Arbonne's Natural Balancing Cream has changed my life & the life of many other women.

My husband is an Internal Medicine Physician- MANY of his patients & nurses are benefiting from the NATURAL Hormone therapy!!!!! At first he was leary to recommend this to his patients - after looking into the RESEARCH he saw how it could BENEFIT his patients WITHOUT any harmful effects! His patients are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that he is open to this Natural Hormone Cream!!!

Iam a 38 year old mother of 3. After the birth of my children I have been extreamly unbalanced and anxious. I did a hormone workup found I was indeed off.
Within a week of being on the Arbonne's hormone cream I was a different person - much calmer/regular. My husband, the doctor, couldnt believe it. I tried many other things which didnt work that well.

Many of my friends/neighbors are using it as well - here are their results:
1 neighbor & friend NO LONGER have severe migrain headaches.

1 friend had been on anit-depressants for 4 years, she had to go off of them because of a surgery, she was using the natural hormone cream and has not had to go back on her anit-depressants.

1 of my husbands nurses- was depressed, anxieous and misserable. She started on the cream. It has totally changed and given her normal life back. Her husbands quote "I am amazed. I have the wife I married back!"

These are just a few of the many testimonials I have from women on Natural Progesterone cream.

I along with my husband, his patients, friends and neighbors and nurses will fight HARD to have continued use of these natural products!!

I hope you too will see the benefit!
Lori Swanson,
Eagle, ID