2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2885
Submitter : Ms. Helen Wang Date & Time: 02/16/2006 04:02:29
Organization : Ms. Helen Wang
Category : Consumer Group
Issue Areas/Comments
I had been on Hrt premarin for many years because of hyst. I stopped taking it for fear of getting breast cancer or other health problems. I suffered chronic pain, mood swing, brain fog, depression and sleeping problems... There are many doctors here I saw even reluctantly prescribing premarin to me recently due to the drug's possible bad side effects. I noticed almost all my friends/relatives/co-workers at my age group(50+) either living with no hrt or dropping the hrt therapy because of the hormone phobia. I did intense research and read lots of books and fortunally found a better way to supplement what my body needs--bio-identical hormone. I have been on for couple of months and found it helps me a lot on my sleep and I am more energetic, happy and more productive at work. If FDA decided prohibiting pharmacies compounding bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, I will be at lost what can I live on without backbone of hormones support because I will never ever want going back on premarin. Furthermore, just let you know that there are so many doctors and health practitioners here in California refuse prescribing Premarin to their patients!!!!! It does not make sense to me at all that FDA intends taking action to ban bio-identical homone replacement therapy, which is do only good to individual and society as a whole in the markets!