2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2878
Submitter : Dr. Richard Weaver Date & Time: 02/16/2006 04:02:57
Organization : CPHTC
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I wish to comment on the ongoing petition from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to impose broad restrictions on bioidentical hormone use. As a physician, synthetic and manufactured hormone replacement therapy has posed many problems and side effects to patients and medical practices. I find it incredulous that Wyeth, a maker of these products, would have any input in reguard to more natural , competing therapies. These therapies offer patients alternatives to more toxic drugs. If we are to have any credibity, we need to offer patients these non toxic alternatives and stop the 'hijacking' of health care in the U.S. To suggest that pharmacists who prepare customized medicines based on my orders are duping patients is an insult to all physicians, patients and pharmacists.