2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2872
Submitter : Mrs. Elizabeth McCowin Date & Time: 02/16/2006 04:02:06
Organization : Mrs. Elizabeth McCowin
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I have used Progesterone Creams for Five Years. My menstrual periods were irregular and were 30-60 days apart. But the cramping pains associated with the periods began 20 days after the previous period ended. I endured those pains until the next period when I didn't know how long that would be before it started. After starting a routine using the Progesterone Creams the menstural periods regulated to 28-30 days apart. The pain level reduces significantly and lasted up to 2 days instead of 10 days. PMS went from 10-30 days down to 2-3 days. Please don't take away my ability to purchase these safe creams. I am ultimately the one in charge of my health decisions, not the government, healthcare personell, or the pharmaceutical drug companies. They are in business because we need them to help learn, inform, and advise us with our health. We still are the ones who make the final decisions. After learning about alternatives to help us with our health - it is nice to have the option to try a less invasive proceedure first before using or doing things that may cause intolerable suffering that we may live with the rest of our lives. Each time we can not help ourself as we are crippled, etc. we become a burden on our families, & society who end up paying as a whole.