2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2866
Submitter : Mrs. Kristy Das Date & Time: 02/16/2006 04:02:23
Organization : Mrs. Kristy Das
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I began taking bioidentical hormones several years ago, after it was determined that I was post-menopausal and had developed osteoporosis. Because I couldn't tolerate Fosamax for bone density (it made me very sick), my physician prescribed the bioidenticals. I have never had any side effect from the medication, and my bones are strengthening. I no longer have a diagnosis of osteoporosis. It's more expensive than I would pay for Premarin because of the specifics of my health insurane plan, but I refuse to take something that's made from horse urine, something that's not identical to the hormones my body used to make naturally. Please don't label all compounding pharmacies as bad. I only have experience with one, Bel Mar Pharmacy in Lakewood, Colorado, and they're excellent in their customer service and care that the medication is exactly correct. I've also heard excellent reports about several other compounding pharmacies. Please don't let the company that makes Premarin and Prempro try to remove the competition with false claims. I totally understand why Wyeth is doing this, but I know you are intelligent enough to see through it. Compounding pharmacies should be allowed to continue providing this valuable service to those of us who choose to use it and who obtain extremely beneficial results. Thank you very much, Kristy Das