2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2796
Submitter : Ms. Denise Varischetti Date & Time: 02/16/2006 03:02:16
Organization : Ms. Denise Varischetti
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please do not take away my right to choose natural alternative therapies for my own well being.
We all have a responsibility to take care of our own health; doing so means having available choices and easy access to alternatives.
Drugs and medicine are important and a wonderful gift to society, but let us not loose site of the fact that there are many drugs which were derived from nature and refine into synthetic forms for the purpose of profit, not for our well being. Many of these synthetics made for profit with no added health benefit are unable to assimilate in the body as well they do in their natural form are also known to cause more harm and many are even known to cause cancer; yet because of the profits they generate they are recommended as a first choice.
As we see scientific advancements happening today it is not unreasonable to expect a near future where we see synthetic apple (or any other fruit or vegetable) reproduced in our laboratories which look and taste just like the real thing.
If we are complacent about our rights to choose alternative natural remedies and treatments over synthetic remedies now, even for one thing. If we take away our choices about how to we care for our health and accept the restricted access to the alternatives which nature provides for us in abundance, then it is likely our grand children can expect a future where the powers that be decide to restrict access to the apple provided by nature over that which was produced in a lab. Rediculous! Impossible you say... Why?
Think about it.... really think about it.... Wake up and see that is what they are doing here now and it will not stop with Hormones..... Thousands of women are dying every day all over the world from cancers and yet thousands more are being prescribed synthetic hormones known to cause cancer and other problems; and no one in power cares because millions and millions of dollars profit make it worth disregarding yours and my health and life.
This disregard for life, and the death of millions will continue for as long as we remain complacent.
Please do not take away our right of choice, or restrict access to Bio Identical Hormones; especially do not make such decisions which could ultimately affect our health based on such an obscene reason as the profit and wealth of drug companies, their executives and share holders.