2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2777
Submitter : Mrs. melissa felicelli Date & Time: 02/16/2006 03:02:59
Organization : Mrs. melissa felicelli
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a female, mother of three girls, and I wish to epress my sincere support for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement. The idea that our government can limit through legislation our ability to access these products is very disturbing. Women need these alternatives. I have come to distrust Wyeth because of its intense emphasis to market and distribute the product made from the urine of a female horse. This product has caused great suffering and should be pulled entirely from the market. Wyeth has a production site in Rouses Point New York scheduled for closing and from what I understand the only product currently being produced from this site is the estrogen product produced from horse urine. Wyeth will go to any length to save their interest and investment with this one product. We need to move away from an over medicated society and begin returning to natural therapies for chronic problems for women, men and children. Educated women and women in poverty deserve choices and the option to choose bio-identical hormone treatment over the aggressive treament of manufactured hormones with patents must be upheld. It is not surprising that Wyeth is trying to legistate otherwise as they have a great deal at stake as more and more women are benefiting from natural hormone replacement.

Look beyond the implied goal of Wyeth and realize their intention and what they face to lose from bio-identical hormones. They can not gain financially from the success of natural hormone therapy and their investment in the research and marketing of pharmacutical grade hormones will be lost. This is the motivation behind the legislation. I ask voting parties to act with the most sincere intention on behalf of women and their families. A medical condition where bio-identical hormones can reverse the situation will do more for our economy and our society than perhaps any other treatment currently available for chronic pains, fatigue, depressions and confusion.

I am an excutive director of a private foundation with 80 female employees and I no fist that in today's indsutrialized society how women can benefit from bio-identical hormone replacement. Conversly I have seen first hand the suffering that comes from no treament and treatment from the product made by Wyeth. Put Wyeth in it place and all pharmacutical companies trying to legislate our health. They may have the money and the power at present but with knowledge, more and more consumers are turning away from disturbing medicines with severe side effect and finding their own path. Consumers are also taking responsiblity of their health as a result and this is undoubtedly the best thing an educated society can hope for. End the war on drugs and begin seeing the destruction of harsh, unnatural medicine for chronic problems. Support our ability to choose Bio-Identical Hormones.

Sincerely, Melissa Dorsett-Felicelli
Executive Director, SLP, MS-CCC, CA
Pyramids Child Development Center