2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2756
Submitter : Ms. Natividad Ibanez Date & Time: 02/16/2006 03:02:16
Organization : Ms. Natividad Ibanez
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To the FDA:

I am opposed to my rights to use Bioidentical Hormones being denied or taken away. I have the right to take hormones, vitamins and herbs as I need. They are basically taken from whole foods that have been around for centuries. My ancestores have used herbs and different mixtures of herbs as foods and tonics that were handed down thru generations. We lost some of that knowledge when the 'new' amazing medicines in pills and liguids were dispensed by medical doctors who have been influenced heavily by pharmaceutical companies looking to make a buck. It seems that all the pharmaceutical companies want is to keep their pockets plump no matter at what cost to the human population, not to mention the earth's ecosystem. I understand that many of the antibiotics and other medicines are ending up in our water systems, rivers and lakes. Once there who knows what consequenceses the fauna and flora will have in the long run. As I said before, bioidentical hormones are made from living and breathing plants that share with us our natural beginnings, needs and life essence.
Please look towards the future and protect what has always been there for us, our need to survive in health and harmony with everything that is living.
