2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2709
Submitter : Mrs. Sandra Jacober Date & Time: 02/16/2006 02:02:35
Organization : Mrs. Sandra Jacober
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
As an American Citizen, I have earned the right to make my own health choices. I have chosen to use bio-identical drugs. I feel that my health is more important to me than the revenue made my Drug Companies selling chemical made drugs. I should have the right to MY CHOICE and not have to be told what kind of drugs I can or cannot put into my own body. The govenment wants to start telling the American Public and controlling the American public on very personal matters like this.
I have health problems that run in my family. By all the reading that I have done on weither or not to take bio-identical prescriptions, I feel that I have made the right choice. What does this country stand for! As American citizens, we pay our way to live in this country, I think we should be able to have the choice on our own health care. It's bad enough the high cost of drugs and medical help. Please leave the bio-identical patients alone, we feel that we are doing what is best for us. Leave things alone, and let it be the way it is, give us the choice of what we want to do. If you want to put the bio-identical pharmacies out of business, then start making this natural chemicals available to everyone! Some of us choose not to put the chemical made drugs into our body!