2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2697
Submitter : Ms. Arla Tweedy Date & Time: 02/16/2006 02:02:46
Organization : Ms. Arla Tweedy
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a woman, a mother, and a retired soldier who uses compound hormones. My life was dramatically altered after a hysterectomy and the only SAFE relief I have found is in the form compound hormones that are now being challenged. I urge you, the FDA, to not take my, and millions of other women's rights to choose away from us. If you opted to do so, I would not, repeat, would not ever take Premarin, horse urine, or any other medication. This would adversely affect my entire being, but this is how much I believe in the products I now use!!
While I understand Wyeth's desire to stay in business and not lose money, I believe it is critical we examine the goal. Wyeth, like all the major pharmaceutical companies, contribute billions of dollars to various medical societies, so I'm not surprised that those organizations have written in support Wyeth's complaint. The bottom line here is that they have money ties, period. It's all about the benjamin here, not the lives of millions of women.

I am a single mother, and it is important to both myself and the future of my children to choose my medical treatment carefully and based on what is clear and real.

It is clear, and it is real that Wyeth produced, for many years, medications that have caused a significant increase in breast cancer, blood clots to the lungs, heart attacks and strokes among women of all cultures.

Please, do not let a money hungry, oversized, corporate conglomerate, like Wyeth, take from us what we believe in.

I appreciate the opportunity to have written to you my feelings on this issue, and I genuinely hope you will consider my opinion, and more importantly, my life. Thank you.

Arla Tweedy