2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2663
Submitter : Mrs. Mary LaPlaca Date & Time: 02/16/2006 12:02:28
Organization : Mrs. Mary LaPlaca
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
To Whom It May Concern..... I have read your article on bio-identical hormone treatment... I have been on the hormone cream for a year now... I find it wonderful for me, it gives me my sanity back. I have no hot flashes, no mood swings, an active sex life. I had a hysterectomy a 1 1/2 ago. I was very unhappy with the changes. Why would the FDA not give a dam about women and their bodies. Women need to make their own decision, whether or not to go on natural hormones or synthedics. The doctors regualte your blood level every 2 months to see where your hormones are at.When you take synthetics, they just give you a pill with meds that are not all suited for your body. Everything we do is a risk in life, but if we can have something to help us with menopause that would be less of a risk, then what is wrong with the FDA. Is money everything.... They claim they care about people, what a lie that is.
What about estrovan, more women are on over the counter pills more than ever. Should the FDA take that off the counters next....Besides I have many friends that wont take anything...because the FDA approves medication, then says i it has too many sides affects, then all the lawyers get rich. Ill bet the FDA are all men.