2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2647
Submitter : Ms. DARLENE GREENWOOD Date & Time: 02/16/2006 12:02:52
Organization : Ms. DARLENE GREENWOOD
Category : Drug Association
Issue Areas/Comments
BECAUSE the save bio-identical hormones are not available through insurance I can not afford to get them. BUT in a heart beat I would take them if it were affordable. I do not and will not take drugs. I think thats what is killing us in the first place. All the drugs and perservatives are what is causing these new diseases. I would like to feel like I did when I was 35 and that only happens if I am able to put back in my body the natural hormones that I have lost not horse urine. Geesz how sickening. I would like to see FDA make it possible for women to start being able to take of themselves the way they should. How many doctors spend any time trying to help menapausal women. Not too many. Hardly any experts out there. Everytime I ask for help from a doctor for hot flashes or mood swings, they want to give me drugs for depression. I AM NOT DEPRESSED. I AM JUST HOT. The bio-idential hormones would help in so many ways. Please do not take this choice away from us. As soon as I can I will be looking to the Compound Pharmacies for bio-idential hormones and I sure would be angry if I could not do this. Please make your decision based on us women who want to help ourselves in the correct way.