2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC2617
Submitter : Mrs. Becky Clark Date & Time: 02/16/2006 12:02:15
Organization : Self
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Due to my using bio-identical drugs, I no longer have to worry about absorbing Premarin, etc. I feel so much better and don't have to worry about cancer. My mother and sister both had breast cancer. Mother died. She took Premarin for over 30 yrs. Her dr, told me not to take artifical hormones. Due to side effects from no hormones after I had a hysterectomy, I began to research other ways to reduce my symptons naturally. As of l0 yrs ago I have been on Progeserone (compounded), and Esteriol (Compounded and a very small dose). I no longer have the side effects as with the earlier meds, nor do I have to worry about taking Provera (the mean pill as my husband called it). My moods have increased to feeling so good that I can't imagine ever taking "horse urine" again. Nor do I understand why the FDA would even allow those meds to be created in the first place. What our government has done to our women over the past 40--50 years is a discrace. I tell every female friend I know who is on the artifical hormones what I have learned over the past l0 yrs. In fact one of the drs I was using l0 yrs ago (and he is a good dr. but so uninformed) has now for the past 4-5 yrs been using the same compounded drugs that I asked him for and at that time would not so I changed to someone more informed about the natural hormones. I think that I've read somewhere back in l995 that within l0 yrs. most drs would be using natural hormones and guess what.. they are!! Yea!! Unless our country wants to continue to see women suffering with cancer and mood elevations so that they have to be on drugs to keep them from having nervous breakdowns it would be so advantageous to let us keep our compounding drugs as they are and let us continue to be the great United States of America with the priveleges of freedom of choice to choose. Sincerely, Becky Sue Clark