FDA Comment Number : EC858
Submitter : Mrs. Jennifer Greer Date & Time: 02/03/2006 05:02:33
Organization : Mrs. Jennifer Greer
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Wyeth is simply out to make more money by cornering the market in this situation. They do not care about me or other consumers who have tried their products and found no relief through them. By taking away compounded bio-identical hormones, you are basically deciding to make me MISERABLE for the remainder of my life. I went to 7 different doctors and tried dozens of synthetic hormones to help me with my medical issues. Nothing worked. Now that I found a doctor that prescribed bio-identical hormones, I have gone virtually symptom free for almost 4 years. PLEASE do not take away the only thing that has every worked for me. I know that there are thousands of women out there who would agree with me. PLEASE do not let 'big pharma' dictate whether or not I have the right to live a symptom free life. Their drugs do not work for everyone! If they did, I would use them - my presciption drug plan would pay for those. The bio-identical hormones come out of my own pocket. I spend my hard earned dollars in order to feel better. Now why would I do that if something that was covered would work? This action by Wyeth is simply a money matter. Please do not allow this company to sway you with their garbage -- these hormones do NOT endanger my health. They allow me to be healthy!! Plus, how many synthetic drugs have been found to be UNHEALTHY several years down the road? How do you know that premarin or other synthetics aren't MORE DANGEROUS in the long run than any bio-identical hormone? By allowing this sham by Wyeth to continue, you will force many women to spend even more money flying to other countries to try and find these bio-identical hormones. Please understand that not all people's bodies process synthetic compounds well -- I am one of those people. Do you really want to damn people such as myself to a life of misery? I hope not. America is supposed to be the land of freedom - remember? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? If you take away the only medications that work for me - you take all of those things away. Please consider the opinions and pleas of the consumers that use these products before making a decision that could change our lives forever.